Catch all the latest updates about the Messiah of Football - Lionel Messi!
Catch all the latest, real-time updates and comprehensive news reports on everything about the Messiah of Football - Lionel Messi, on your favourite app. ‘We Are Messi’ is a must have app for all you Messi fans out there and it is your trusted and fastest source of news revolving around Messi.1. Live Updates on Leo Messi2. Updates from FCB and Team Messi3. Real-time Scores and Videos 4. News about Lionel Messi and FCB from Grup 14 and 90min Football5. Leo Messs Stats with FCB and ARG (Goals + Assists) - Season wise stats coming soon.6. Exclusive Wallpapers / Photo of the Day7. Photos from recently concluded matches and training ground pictures + videos8. Match schedules & Results9. Points Table And Much More :) #WeAreMessiThe names and logos of teams in this application are used solely for the identification of the respective teams. Neither the La Liga, any La Liga club nor Lionel Messi himself has endorsed or is associated with this application.